Youdale, Joseph
Maitland : 1867-1870
Photography was not Joseph Youdale’s only business activity. He appears in the Maitland Mercury in 1850, selling 'very superior clarified lamp oil' from his premises in High Street. [2]
His High Street property, backing onto the Hunter River, causes problems in 1857, when a stable of Mr Youdale’s ‘built in dangerous proximity’ to the river collapses in the flood. [3]
In September of 1860, Youdale makes use of the proximity of his property to the river for a business enterprise – the Maitland waterworks:
Mr. Youdale, who has fitted up a powerful force pump, worked by a steam-engine, at the back of his property in High-street, the contiguity of which to the river bank, and the central position it occupies, alike favouring the success of the project…. The value of so copious and accessible a supply, in the event of a fire, will be fully appreciated should the want of it unfortunately arise. [4]
It is another seven years before Youdale becomes involved in commercial photography, when Liddell takes Youdale as a partner in his established photography business in January 1867. [5] Youdale becomes sole proprietor in July of that year, promoting carte-de-visite, cabinet and glass pictures. [6]

The erection of a new gallery sees a relocation from opposite Rourke’s in High Street to opposite the post office, remaining on the river side of High Street. [7]
The claim of “successful photography” in the new gallery assumes all is going well in January of 1870, but the river is again wreaking havoc for Youdale, the photographic gallery and the tank belonging to the waterworks collapsing into the river in a land slip. [8] Not surprisingly, Youdale is named among a group of people with regard to protecting the river bank.
The claim of “successful photography” in the new gallery assumes all is going well in January of 1870, but the river is again wreaking havoc for Youdale, the photographic gallery and the tank belonging to the waterworks collapsing into the river in a land slip. [10] Not surprisingly, Youdale is named among a group of people with regard to protecting the river bank.
Among some recent out-door photographs, we suppose put forward by the rival artists as specimens of the proposed series of views, was a view of Sans Souci, by Mr. Youdale; and by Mr. Moss, a representation of the great landslip at the rear of Messrs Owen & Beckett's premises, both very meritorious, each in its different way. [11]
In harmony with the riverbank, Mr. Youdale’s fortunes continue to decline. One evening his horse bolts and he is thrown, rescued by Mr. Albert Gorrick and attended by Dr. Scott. [12] Later in December 1870, insolvency is declared, the cause cited as the portrait gallery and waterworks having been washed away by the floods. [13]
Brunker and Sparke receive instructions to auction Youdale’s property and possessions, including horse, saddle and bridle, as well as 3 cameras and 4 lenses. [14] By March 1873, Youdale’s name appears in the Sydney Morning Herald, selling photographs of the new Oddfellow’s Hall in South Head Road. [15]
[1] Maitland Mercury, 7 November 1868; The Empire, 11 November 1868
[2] Maitland Mercury, 31 August 1850
[3] Empire, 31 August 1857
[4] Sydney Morning Herald, 7 September 1860
[5] Sydney Morning Herald, 23 January 1861 ; Sydney Morning Herald, 8 July 1861
[6] Maitland Mercury, 12 January 1867
[7] Maitland Mercury, 20 July 1867
[8] Maitland Mercury, 27 March 1869
[9] Maitland Mercury, 28 April 1870
[10] Empire, 20 June 1870
[12] Maitland Mercury, 21 June 1870
[13] Maitland Mercury, 1 December 1870
[14] Empire, 20 December 1870
[15] Sydney Morning Herald, 6 March 1872