Smithers, Alexander
Maitland : 1857-1858
Alexander Smithers has been referred to as a Newcastle photographer through the period 1866 to 1871 and thereafter in Sydney, [1] however Smithers was active in Maitland in 1857-1858, advertising his business in the Maitland Mercury. [2]
Smithers was operating from his residence in Hannan Street, but by April 1858 his business was being conducted from commercial premises in High Street, ‘adjoining Mr. R. Blairs’. Smithers advertises his collodiotype portraits, as well as the fact that: “A.S. would specially call attention to his being able to produce clear and distinct portraits of children at any age” [3]

SMITHERS PORTRAITS must be perfection, since pictured by the sun’s
direction; Heaven’s own bright rays – shed from above
To enshrine the form of those we love. [4]
Despite this poetic advertisement in May 1858, an accompanying ‘rooms to let’ notice may have been an indication of financial concerns, since the next appearance of Smithers in the local press was a clearing sale in July.
The attention of 'Amateurs in the Photographic Art, School of Arts Committees, &c., &c.' was called to the sale, which included: '1 PLATE CAMERA, complete Tripod, back ground, dark room Travelling chest fitter,
weights and measures for the art; Water-colours, diamond and pliers, portrait and show-cases, with a large stock of photographic chemicals'. [5]
Smithers reappears in the press in December 1863, having imported a case of photographic goods [6] and is back in business in Newcastle by July 1866. [7]
Smithers’ Hunter Street gallery is available to let in June 1870, the proprietor “retiring from business on account of ill health”. [10]
Smithers reappears in Sydney by 1876, [11]
[1] Alan Davies and Peter Stanbury, The Mechanical Eye in Australia: photography 1841-1900, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1985. Sandy Barrie, Australiansbehind the camera : directory of early Australian photographers, 1841 to 1945, Sydney South, S. Barrie, c2002.
[2] Maitland Mercury, 7 November 1857
[3] Maitland Mercury, 24 April 1858
[4] Maitland Mercury, 1 May 1858
[5] Maitland Mercury, 1 July 1858
[6] The Empire, 14 December 1863
[7] Maitland Mercury, 18 June 1870