Russell, F. P.
Maitland : 1876-1878
Hart’s gallery is again in use from December 1876:
F P. RUSSELL, (From B. C. BOAKES, Photographer, of George-street, Sydney),
has taken HART'S PORTRAIT GALLERY, High-street, West Maitland, and having
had Twelve Years' Experience in all Branches of the Profession, respectfully
solicits an inspection and patronage. CARTE-DE-VISITES, Cabinet Life Size
Portraits, Coloured or Finished in Oil. Landscapes, Plans, Machinery, &c.,
F. P. RUSSELL, Artist Photographer,
Next to Post Office, West Maitland. [1]
After this advertisement’s positive optimism and proof of credentials, business doesn’t seem to have thrived in Maitland for Mr. F.P. Russell. He advertises again in May of 1877 in the Maitland Advertising Medium, then in the Mercury a few months later Russell requires a ‘respectable boy’ for his photo gallery.
By April of 1878, Russell‘s notice in the Mercury suggests his business affairs are being wound up:
NOTICE - ALL DEBTS due to the undersigned must be Paid by the 4th instant ;
and all ACCOUNTS OWING by the same are required to be sent in at once for
liquidation. F. Russell, Photographer. [2]
Given the brevity of Russell’s business in Maitland, it’s fortuitous that the portrait above still exists and that his skills as a miniature and portrait painter are also promoted on the back of the card.
Image courtesy of Terri Svensson
[1] Maitland Mercury, 23 December 1876
[2] Maitland Mercury, 2 April 1878