Naismith, John A.
Maitland : 1886-1891
“Disastrous Fire at West Maitland – Six Buildings Destroyed – Other Premises Damaged" reported the Maitland Mercury on 21 December 1886. One of the buildings that escaped serious damage was Naismith’s studio, but the scorching heat blistered the sign board at the front of the premises. His neighbour, Mr Maher, assisted the fire fighting effort, only to be looted, with 'some mean fellows making off with several hams and other goods.'[1]
Apart from photographing a football match in June of 1886 with Northumberland v. Wallsend and an event to mark the installation of an engine at Homeville Colliery, where ‘many prominent businessmen of West Maitland were present’ in December of the following year, Naismith’s photography seems unremarkable.
A Mr John Naismith was reported in connection with a death in June of 1886, but it is not clear if this was the photographer or someone else with the same name. Photographers Moss and Kedwell were also named in the article. [2]
This advertisement from 9 May 1891 indicates that Naismith’s is now the N.S.W. Photo Co., operating for a short season. [3]
The date that Naismith’s photography business ceased is unclear. Andrew Burg includes “John Naismith the top portrait photographer” in his Walk down High Street, 1901. [4] Sandy Barrie lists Naismith as operating in Maitland to 1895. [5]
The verso of the image below indicates that Naismith had a Wallsend business at some date as well.

[1] Maitland Mercury, 21 December 1886
[2] Maitland Mercury, 19 May 1887
[3] Maitland Mercury, 9 May 1891
[4] Andrew Burg, unpublished document, Maitland City Library.
[5] Sandy Barrie, Australiansbehind the camera : directory of early Australian photographers, 1841 to 1945, Sydney South, S. Barrie, c2002.