Marks and Bound

Maitland : 1845

Messrs. Marks and Bound have the distinction of being the first professional photographers in Maitland, but as travelling photographers, their stay was brief.
Daguerreotype practitioners, Marks and Bound arrived from Sydney in February of 1845, departing in March 1845. [1]

The Daguerreotype.-We recommend any of our friends who may wish to have faithful portraits taken of themselves or their friends to call and look at the specimens of Messrs. Marks and Bound, at the Albion Inn, or at their own residence. There is no mistaking who the portraits are meant for, the prevailing expression of the face, as well as each individual feature, being rendered with exact fidelity
. [ 2]

Marks and Bound concluded their business in Maitland in mid-March, 1845.  [3]

[1] Maitland Mercury, 22 February 1845

[2] Maitland Mercury, 22 February 1845

[3] Maitland Mercury, 8 March 1845