Jackson and Williams
Maitland : 1883
Photographs taken by Jackson and Williams in Maitland have not been located, but several from their time in Tamworth appear above.
Reopening the gallery formerly occupied by Hart, Arthur Charles Jackson and Herbert Francis Williams were in Maitland between June and December of 1883, their first advertisement featuring on 14 June 1883: [1]
Their success at the Singleton Show (Northern Agricultural Association) in August 1883 was declared in their advertising in the following month, having competed with Morris Moss at the Show:
Cases of fine photographs were sent by Mr. M. Moss, of West Maitland. They were of various sizes and beautifully finished. Mr. Moss also had some of what are I known as the opal type, which were very much admired, Messrs Jackson and Williams were re- commended for a prize for a collection of well finished photos. [2]

In an effort to maximise the publicity value of their success, Jackson and Williams point to the fact that they had received the highest award in their September advertising [3]
They also advise that they are the only firm in Australia with an exclusive production of Dresden cameo portraits, which have been pronounced absolute perfection. [4]
By 1884, Jackson and Williams had moved on to Tamworth, during which time introduced two photographic innovations – the use of an enlarging machine, and the introduction of ‘contact printing’ using a negative and light sensitive paper.[4]
Another Maitland link was connected with Jackson and Williams photographing the Albion Cricket Club of Maitland in 1889, when the team were playing in Tamworth and Armidale in April of that year.
The photograph below is available online at the University of Newcastle Cultural Collections Flickr site. [6]
Albion cricket team v. Armidale 20th April, 1889 v. Tamworth, Easter Monday, 1889
Top row: E. Nicholson, E.S. Isaacs, S.W. Brierley, (Hon. Sec.) H. Sivyer, A. Roberts, R. McKellar, A.C. Cobcroft
2nd row: John Gillies (Mayor of Maitland), R. Blaxland, J.J. Callachor (Capt.), R. Irwin, S.H. Mattson, W. Lindsay (Hon. Treas.)
Front row: G.L. Lipscomb, R. Norman Copied by Athel D’Ombrain from photograph by Jackson and Williams (ca. 1880 - in possession of Mrs. Graham).
With bankruptcy proceedings and a sequestration order in June 1891, Jackson and Williams Tamworth business was sold to G.E. Lees on 4th July 1891. [8]
Tamworth photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/90889951@N07/
[1] Maitland Mercury, 14 June 1883
[2] Maitland Mercury, 18 August 1883
[3] Maitland Mercury, 20 October 1883
[4] Lyall Green and Warren Newman. Chronological History of Tamworth, Edwards Publishing, Tamworth, 2004
[5] Maitland Mercury, 27 April 1889
[6] http://www.flickr.com/photos/uon/6374202975/
[7] Maitland Mercury, 16 June 1891